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Innovation in low charge, packaged ammonia refrigeration ...


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere America 2012
published on 13 June 2012
31 pages
5 MB

Star’s case study presentation about low charge, high efficiency packaged ammonia cooling solutions for three different applications demonstrates the viability and operational benefits of this ammonia technology applicable to the North American market. ‘Critical charge’ system designs have reduced ammonia charges in excess of 80%. The use of inverted technology and developments in heat exchanger technology have ensured that efficiencies match and surpass those of traditional pumped circulation and flooded solutions. The presentation shows best practice using case studies relevant for the North American market.

About the speaker(s)

Rob Lamb


Rob joined Star Refrigeration in 1998 as a Technical Sales Engineer after completing a PhD at the University of Leeds, England. He progressed to Sales Manager and then Sales Director before being invited to join the Executive Board of Directors at Star in 2010.

Rob has been involved in the development, promotion and successful installation of natural refrigerant systems and products using both ammonia and CO2 solutions. The focus of these products is to reduce energy consumption, minimise refrigerant charge and make natural refrigerants accessible to the wider refrigeration and heating markets.

Rob represents Star Refrigeration on the steering committee of eurammon, a European initiative of companies, institutions and individuals who advocate an increased use of natural refrigerants. He is also a member of the Institute of Refrigeration and an associate member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers.’