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Latest Ultra Low Charge Ammonia Shell and Tube Evaporator


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere America 2012
published on 12 June 2012
906 KB

Zahid Ayub's presentation shows results from a low charge ammonia evaporator that has been developed to cool process fluid on the tube side. He explains how ammonia is expanded on the shell side. The evaporator incorporates multi-stage distribution mechanism that results in even distribution of refrigeration along the bundle height resulting in thin film evaporation. The first commercial unit was installed on board a commercial fishing vessel in Chile. The chiller was designed for a capacity of 385 kW and the total refrigerant charge in the system is less than 18 kg. With several other projects in the commissioning phase, Mr Ayub explains the strong relevance for North America as regards the reduction of the ammonia charge to extreme minimum so the safety issue will be scaled down.

About the speaker(s)

Zahid Ayub


Recognized as one of the pioneers in the field of Ammonia Enhanced Heat Transfer, Zahid Ayub has designed and fabricated several thousand heat exchangers/pressure vessels and heat transfer systems installed globally.

Active member of ASME, ASHRAE, IIAR, AIChE, IoR (UK), IIR, RETA and Eurammon, he is the President of Isotherm, Inc., manufacturer of heat transfer equipment which holds six United States patents and several in process.

Currently, Zahid is also the Executive Editor of the Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering and the Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Thermal Sciences and Engineering Applications.