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Challenges to Natural Refrigerants


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere America 2018
published on 14 June 2018
16 pages

No installation so far but hey are looking at propane and will make first tests in 2020 with NatRefs installed from 2022 onwards. 

About the speaker(s)

Peter A. Marotta


Grocery Outlet is a 300 store extreme value retailer, primarily on the west coast, with some stores in Pennsylvania. Pete’s been with Grocery Outlet for over 14 years in his present role, and is responsible for all energy, engineering, store planning and refrigeration.  During his tenure, Grocery Outlet has evolved from 128 stores to 300 stores. Pete believes that store profits begin with proper design.  His designs save Grocery Outlet Independent Owner/Operators over $3.5 Million a year in power costs, while maintenance costs are well below the industry average. With over 32 years of professional experience, Pete has designed, and built over retail 320 stores. Pete’s grown up in the supermarket business and has been working on store planning, refrigeration and energy efficiency all his life. From building shopping centers to washing refrigerated display cases and service vans, Pete has learned the business from the bottom up. His Father and brother are also professional store planners on the east coast.