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Ahold Refrigeration program


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere Europe 2012
published on 7 November 2012
635 KB

Emma Coles, Vice President Corporate Responsibility at the Royal Ahold Group, presented the Ahold Refrigeration program at ATMOsphere Europe 2012. During her presentation and the following panel discussion, she talked about the existing CO2 installations of the international supermarket retailer and the company’s future plans in both Europe and the US.

About the speaker(s)

Emma Coles


Emma Coles oversees Ahold’s Group-wide CR strategy in our five priority areas, which is implemented at operating-company level. She works closely with managers and CR leads at each of Ahold’s operating companies. Emma also coordinates our communications with both internal and external stakeholders.

Before joining Ahold in 2010, Emma was Director of the Health Insurance Fund, a Dutch foundation supporting low-cost health insurance in Africa. Emma has previously worked in both the consulting and non-profit sectors. Emma has an MBA from IESE Business School.