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Simply Gordoniz Bilbao (Spain) - CO2 transcritical booster


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere Europe 2015
published on 17 March 2015
8 pages
1 MB

Retailer Simply Spain, in light of greenhouse gas emission reduction policies, has decided to take a step further and begin implementing natural refrigerants to further reduce GHG emissions. Gabriel Romero, Technical Director, presented a transcritical CO2 pilot store in Bilbao that also integrates air conditioning for the supermarket. After a year of implementation, the retailer plans to expand the test to three more stores.

About the speaker(s)

Gabriel Romero


Gabriel Romero started at AuchanSuper Spain in 2010, in the technical department, taking responsibility for the engineering area specially the energy efficiency. He has developed several plans for the renovation of the commercial refrigeration. Since 2013 has taken responsibility for the technical direction of AuchanSuper Spain. He is a graduate in Industrial Engineering from the Advanced Polytechnic Center of Zaragoza (Spain).