
About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere Europe 2015
published on 17 March 2015
3 pages
150 KB

In his presentation, Jürgen Süß extolled the virtues of water as the ‘perfect refrigerant’, including its low environmental impact, chemical stability as a working fluid and high COP. Displaying efficient energy’s eChiller, with two-stage compressor modulation and a very high COP of 26, the unit requires only 200-300W electrical power to operate at an ambient temperature of 14°C in a free cooling mode.

About the speaker(s)

Jürgen Süß


Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Süß joint end 2013 the efficient energy and acts today as CTO. The company deals with the commercialization of chiller units using water as refrigerant.

Before, from early 2011, Dr. Süß was CEO at Cofely Refrigeration, an industrial refrigeration manufacture in Lindau, Germany. Previously, he had a 13 years assignment at Danfoss, Denmark, as Vice President R&D of Automatic Controls after he held various management positions within technology and business development at the company. Dr. Süß holds a refrigeration Ph.D. of Hannover University and is active in various scientific committees and international refrigeration associations.