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Trending: #Natural #Efficient #Safe


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere America 2015
published on 25 June 2015
8 pages
3 MB

Over 90% of Mayekawa business involves natural refrigerants, providing innovative thermal solutions through the entire cold chain. Mark Tomooka spoke of the latest projects including an installation of a CO2 and low charge test bench at a TN facility and an integrated "hot/cold" plant system design for a customer who had traditionally installed freon systems. Tamooka pointed out education as the key to the successful adoption of natural refrigerant-based technology.

About the speaker(s)

Mark Tomooka


Since 2005 Mark Tomooka has worked with companies that emphasize the use of natural refrigerants industrial refrigeration and food processing. He currently leads the US development team working on applying Mayekawa’s extensive natural working fluids experience to new areas like supermarkets, cold storage and food processing.

Mark is a licensed engineer and previously worked in refrigeration contracting. As chief engineer he designed and installed industrial refrigeration systems emphasizing energy and operational efficiency.

Prior to his work in the refrigeration industry, Mark worked in research and development for alternative energy systems.