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Integration of Natural Refrigerants in Coop Norway


About this presentation

related to ATMOsphere Europe 2011
published on 11 October 2011
18 pages
2 MB

Today Coop Norway has 125 local cooperatives with around 1000 stores, representing 24% of the market share. The Coop Value Compass reflects distinctiveness and core values. Coop has almost 60 eco-labelled stores and Coop Extra is the only eco-labelled chain in Norway, fulfilling strict energy use and climate impact requirements. Along with the eco-label, the second driver for investment in natural refrigerants was a project to reduce 38 million kWh across Coop. The first natural refrigeration system was installed in 2001. Today Coop has 29 stores with transcritical CO2 refrigeration installations. These systems contribute a 15 – 20% energy reduction.

About the speaker(s)

Knut Lutnęs


As environmental manager since 2000 at the cooperative retailer Coop Norway, Knut Lutnæs is responsible for Coop Norway’s CSR activities, including sustainability issues as energy savings and –efficiency, waste management, ecolabelling and organic products. Knut Lutnæs is Leader of the board at Ethcial Trading Initiative, Norway, and represents Coop Norway at EuroCoop’s Sustainability Working Group.

Knut Lutnæs holds a Master in Resource and Development Economics from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, included an internship at Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia as a part of his Master Thesis in development economics.