US: Natural refrigerant systems 'becoming needs, not wants'

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Natural refrigerants are already delivering efficient and sustainable cooling for industrial applications ranging from cold storage to food production across North America, heard participants in the ATMOsphere America conference in Chicago earlier this month.

Growing competition between ammonia….

As natural refrigerant solutions become more popular in the United States, participants in the event heard how there is increasing competition between different natural refrigerant-based technologies – such as CO2 and ammonia – for industrial refrigeration. 

Ammonia has long been used for cold storage applications worldwide and North America is no different in that respect.

David Bornemeier of Western Gateway Storage said the company had always used ammonia-based systems. He asked Evapco to propose a package that could deliver effective and efficient performance at a low enough charge to overcome safety concerns. Installing an Evapcold low-charge ammonia system at their Ogden, Utah site was the answer.

“Western Gateway opted for Evapcold because it served their needs and fit within their budget, and it only needs a low ammonia charge,” said Evapco’s Kurt Liebendorfer. “You get great efficiency gains from direct cooling with ammonia in the evaporator.”

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