Photo galleries online and satisfaction survey

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We are happy to inform you that all pictures taken during our event are now available online. In addition, we would like to ask the ones that did not have the chance to give us their feedback to fill in the attached satisfaction survey.

Pictures galleries

You probably saw our photographer Sindy taking lots of pictures during the two days of the event. You can find all her pictures on the website either to be viewed directly or for download in low and high resolution. The pictures are ordered by session and topic and include not only all speakers from the different sessions but also most of the participants during networking in the breaks or the workshop discussions as well as the sponsor tables and pictures from the dinner speeches.

To view all galleries please click here

Satisfaction survey

Your input, ideas and comments regarding ATMOsphere this year is very valuable for us. We read all the feedback very carefully to learn from it an improve for next year. So please take just 5-10 mins of your time and fill in the satisfaction survey that is meant to evaluate this years event. 

Please download the satisfaction survey as .doc here

Follow up workshops

We are right now reviewing all replies and written comments regarding the two policy workshops on F-Gases and Ecodesign. We will send a summary report for both later this week where we will also ask you to give final comments in case you want to add or change anything. This will be then followed by a new draft Roadmap including the 10-point action plan that has been discussed as well.

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