
ATMOsphere network Tokyo - April 2014

date2 April 2014 location Shin Marunouchi Building 10F, Tokyo, Japan view on map

About this event

Natural Solutions for Japanese Convenience Stores ~Introduction of New CO2 Booster System~

The third edition of the ATMOsphere Network meeting in Tokyo will look at natural solutions for Japanese Convenience stores. In addition to discussing new technology and policy developments in Japan, market trends as observed at the major European trade show – EuroShop 2014 – will be presented together with the latest updates from leading European retailers from Europe using natural refrigerants. This event is sponsored by CAREL and will feature high-profile speakers from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Ministry of Environment (MOE), CAREL Industries, CAREL Japan and shecco.

The event will be held at the Tokyo 21c Club Collaboration Space:
Shin-Maru Building 10F Marunouchi 1-5-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6510 Japan  

日本でのコンビニエンスストアにおける自然冷媒の普及へ ~新CO2 TCブースターシステム紹介 ~

講演 1 改正フロン法の概要/ 経済産業省 製造産業局オゾン層保護等推進室長 大木 雅文
講演 2 フロン類対策に至る補助金等について/ 環境省 地球環境局フロン等対策推進室長  熊倉 基之
講演 3 CO2に関するCARELの世界的実績について/CAREL Industries, Michael Englebright
講演 4 CO2 TCブースターシステムに係るCARELの技術サポート/CAREL Japan, 柴田 勝紀
講演 5 ユーロショップ2014:技術と市場動向の最新情報/shecco Japan, マーク・シャセロット

日時:2014年04月02日(水)18:00 – 21:00
会場:東京21cクラブ・コラボスペース、 新丸の内ビルディング10階、 東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1


9 April 2014 | CAREL introduces new products for Japanese market at ATMOsphere network TokyoAlongside presentations on market trends and policy developments, the third ATMOsphere network Tokyo, organised by shecco Japan in Marunouchi, Tokyo on 2 April, provided participants with the opportunity to learn about CAREL’s cutting edge technologies for CO2 commercial refrigeration. More than 50 delegates attended the CAREL sponsored event, part of a series of informal business networking meetings to promote and accelerate the uptake of natural refrigerant solutions in Japan.
7 April 2014 | Press release: Third successful ATMOsphere network introduces new CAREL products to the Japanese marketPress release - Tokyo, 4 April 2014: More than 50 delegates attended the 3rd edition of ATMOsphere network Tokyo, shecco’s popular series of informal business networking meetings to promote and accelerate the uptake of natural refrigerant solutions in Japan. The event was sponsored by CAREL, a leading supplier of controls for HVAC&R industry, and organised in Marunouchi, Tokyo, on 2 April.
11 March 2014 | Carel to sponsor ATMOsphere network Tokyo in April 2014The Italian company Carel Industries and its afiliate CAREL Japan, specialists in humidification and control systems for the HVAC&R industry, have announced that they will be the exclusive sponsor of the next ATMOsphere network Tokyo event, which will take place on 2 April 2014.