related to ATMOsphere Network Montreal 2017
published on 21 November 2017
16 pages
Janos Maté
Janos Maté has represented Greenpeace International at the Meeting of the Parties, OEWG, and the ExComm since 1992. He was an early advocate for accelerated HCFC and HFC phase-outs. He vigorously promoted the uptake of natural refrigerants and insulation agents. He authored numerous Greenpeace position and research papers, some of which were reprinted in governmental and UN publications. In 2001 Janos Maté co-founded the SolarChill Project, that pioneered the development of solar direct drive, HFC and lead-acid battery free vaccine coolers and food refrigerators for regions of the world without reliable electricity. Mr. Maté is the recipient of the 2007 UN Montreal Protocol Partnership Award, and the 2010 US EPA Montreal Protocol Award.
Barbara Gschrey
Barbara Gschrey has been working for Öko-Recherche since 2009 and managed the preparatory study for the EU Commission in the context of the review of the F-Gas Regulation. She holds in-depth knowledge about use and emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases and relevant business sectors.