
ATMOsphere Shanghai Network Meeting

Marc Chasserot - Welcome & introduction

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published on 7 April 2015

Marc Chasserot from shecco and Chairman of ATMOsphere events gave a short welcome to the participants of the first ATMOsphere Network Shanghai. To set the scene, he highlighted global trends for natural refrigerant-based technologies, as well as introduced shecco's B2B platforms,,, Accelerate Magazine and other ATMOsphere events planned for the next 12 months.
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Carsten Dahlgaard - Refrigerants trends in industrial refrigeration

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published on 7 April 2015

Carsten Dahlgaard from Danfoss presented on trends in industrial refrigeration, focusing on regulations, the environment and cost & profitability. He concluded that ammonia is the most dominant refrigerant within industrial refrigeration. It is well-proven and effective; however, its toxicity needs to be addressed by carefully evaluating system design and location. Dahlgaard emphasised the importance of safety, stating that "state of the art" standards, guidelines and management systems need to be fulfilled. According to Dahlgaard, low charge systems are a must in many locations to minimise risk.
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Shogo Yamaguchi - Natural refrigerant CO2 air to water system

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published on 7 April 2015

Shogo Yamaguchi from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries introduced MHI's new CO2 Q-Ton 30kW heat pump water heater. The heat pump provides hot water up to 90°C and can operate at low outdoor temperatures. The heating capacity of 30kW is sustainable at ambient air temperatures as low as -7°C. In field tests, the Q-ton's operational costs were cut almost in half. Yamaguchi's presentation highlighted the Q-ton's installation in various different applications in Japan and Europe, including at a school lunch centre, a warm bathing facility, a food factory, an office block, a medical centre, a hotel a sauna, a dormitory.
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Marc Chasserot - Natural refrigerants in China: preview into the GUIDE China - State of the Industry

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published on 7 April 2015

Marc Chasserot, Managing Director of shecco, presented findings from shecco’s upcoming GUIDE China – State of the industry 2015, showing China as an emerging market for natural refrigerant (NR) solutions across all applications. The GUIDE is prepared in cooperation with the Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR) and based on a a survey launched in Chinese and English with over 1000 respondents. The GUIDE China, which will be launched in May 2015, provides an overview of NR technology and market & policy trends, as well as showcases eco-systems, case studies and market maps for NR in different applications areas.
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