
ATMOsphere Network Paris 2015

Nina Masson - The Natural Voice statement and its objectives

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published on 22 July 2015

Nina Masson re-launched The Natural Voice (TNV), a global call for action supported by industry and other parties, calling on national governments to recognise the virtues and viability of natural refrigerants. First initiated in 2010, the re-launched TNV with a new branding aims to reach national governments, end users, industry and consumers. Masson reasoned that there is still an information gap when it comes to energy efficiency, safety, availability and cost of natural refrigerants and the revised TNV statement looks to point out these aspects. The next steps will include involving more signatories, new publications as well as proactive campaigns to accelerate the transition away from HFCs.
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Abdul-Kazeem Kasimu Bayero - Promoting HC Refrigerants as alternatives to HCFCs in Nigeria

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published on 22 July 2015

Kasimu Bayero discussed the rapidly increasing servicing sector for hydrocarbons in domestic refrigerators and air conditioning in Nigeria and their efforts to streamline the production of hydrocarbons for both safety and supply reasons. Bayero explained how Nigeria’s ‘pilot hydrocarbon production project’ looked to design, construct and start a pilot distillation and bottling of hydrocarbon refrigerants as well as the distribution and marketing of products along with a good practice programme. Bayero noted that a full commericalisation of their hydrocarbon production plant is expected by October 2015.
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Juergen Goeller - CO2 in supermarket and transport refrigeration systems for cold and warm climates

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published on 22 July 2015

Juergen Goeller discussed Carrier’s global solutions for supermarkets and transport refrigeration systems for cold and warm climates which utilise CO2 as a refrigerant. Goeller detailed the environmental reasoning for the use of R744 with a negligible effect on global warming compared to high-GWP HFCs. Showing progress with the introduction of CO2 transcritical systems in commercial refrigeration in Europe, he pointed out the very promising results from measurements taken in a store located in southern Spain, which utilises ejectors. Goeller summarised that CO2 refrigeration technology in reefer containers is already available in all main markets around the globe, while CO2 road transport refrigeration is now being piloted in Europe.
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Bastian Zeiger - Alternative refrigerants for high ambient temperatures

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published on 22 July 2015

Bastian Zeiger, of German research institute Öko-Recherche, discussed the need for the promotion of natural refrigerants –and notably hydrocarbons- in high-ambient temperatures to curtail the damage R22 and other high-GWP HCFCs are doing to the environment. Zeiger presented Öko Recherche’s examination of the replacement possibilities of natural refrigerants in high-ambient temperatures, coming to the conclusion that natural refrigerants can replace 55% of HCFC demand in A5 countries in the short and medium term including at high-ambient temperatures. 
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Clare Perry - EIA perspective on opportunities for natural refrigerants with global HFC phase-down agreement

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published on 22 July 2015

Clare Perry spoke of the clear benefits of natural refrigerants under the back-drop of the HCFC phase down. Perry also singled out the progress China is making in breaking the tradition of fluorinated gases through the presentation of their catalogue of recommended substitutes for HCFCs. Perry complemented this list with a plethora of supermarket retailers’ assertions that natural refrigerants are the future-proof choice for the industry, including South Africa’s Woolworths chain. 
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