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CO2 heat pump water heater for commercial use - Case studies from Europe and AsiaPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) presented their Q-ton CO2 heat-pump water heater, noting its efficiency gains and detailing the different applications that MHI’s Q-ton is being used for in Japan. more
Natural Refrigerants - NH3 heat pumps for hot water productionPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Mayekawa's Jan Boone presented a case study describing an industrial bakery plant located in Mouscron, Belgium, requiring a hot water heat pump for an extension of its production capacity, which would reduce energy consumption/... more
Natural Refrigerant market trends in a global contextPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Nina Masson of shecco presented the pertinent market trends that are developing elsewhere in the world with a particular focus on China and North America. Masson also presented findings from shecco’s upcoming GUIDE China ... more
SANDEN Europe - Market TrendsPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Sylvian Gillaux of Sanden brought positive news with the announcement that Sanden will focus on CO2 technology in their activities in the HVAC&R market. This was accompanied by an update on a new Sanden office op... more
Ensuring stable growth of environmentally sustainable systemsPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Francesco Mastrapasqua of EPTA presented EPTA’s newest technology for supermarket and hypermarkets. In addition to this, Mastrapasqua presented information about EPTA’s training centre in the UK which has been in op... more
Market trends - Advansor 2015Presentation | published on 16 March 2015Torben Hansen of Advansor showed how their technology is advancing to be able to tackle the challenges of providing CO2 refrigeration systems for higher-ambient temperatures. Hansen projected that the CO2 ... more
Challenges & drivers for industrial refrigeration and heat pumpsPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Eric Delforge of Mayekawa looked at the drivers and challenges for the use of natural refrigerants in Europe with a focus on the use of ammonia. Delforge focused on the impact that recent EU policy will have and where there are... more
Segment trends - CO2 systems in EuropePresentation | published on 16 March 2015Stuart Webb, Carrier’s international sales support for CO2, presented new figures on the growth of supply for both cascade and transcritical systems in European supermarkets, with a positive trend in discount r... more
Elements for a successful phase-out of HFCs under the Montreal ProtocolPresentation | published on 16 March 2015The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) was represented by Clare Perry, who emphasised that there is a need for a stronger role played by developing countries in the HFCs phase-down. Furthermore, whilst the Montreal Proto... more
Video presentationPresentation | published on 16 March 2015Motoyuki Kumakura, from the Japanese Ministry of Environment (MOE) provided a promising update on Japan’s measures aimed at reducing f-gases and initiatives promoting natural refrigerants to the audience of ATMOsphere Eur... more