Press Release: ATMOsphere 2010 - strong political support for natural refrigerants

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ATMOsphere 2010 - International workshop on Natural Refrigerants, assembled on 27-28 September a variety of stakeholders in the natural refrigerant sector to find out HOW to bring natural refrigerants such as CO2, hydrocarbons and ammonia, faster to market. Industry representatives explained what is feasible today, what technologies using natural refrigerants are available on the market and what barriers they face, while NGOs and policy representatives expressed their strong support for natural refrigerants.

Brussels, 29 September 2010: ATMOsphere 2010 - International workshop on Natural Refrigerants, assembled on 27-28 September a variety of stakeholders in the natural refrigerant sector to find out HOW to bring natural refrigerants such as CO2, hydrocarbons and ammonia, faster to market. Industry representatives explained what is feasible today, what technologies using natural refrigerants are available on the market and what barriers they face, while NGOs and policy representatives expressed their strong support for natural refrigerants.

“Just that I am here today and that my colleagues were here yesterday, shows that things are moving”, said a representative of the European Commission. “But you have to keep the momentum. If the EU moves, if the biggest commercial block in the world moves, then the other countries will follow because no one wants to have two different production lines for the same product.”

And he continued: “Natural Refrigerants are on the agenda of the European Commission. They cannot be ignored anymore."

Natural refrigerants also got support from UNEP and UNIDO as replacements for HCFCs which are subject to an accelerated phase-out in developing countries. This was confirmed by Rajendra Shende, Head of OzonAction at the United Nations Environment Programme, and Sidi Menad Si Ahmed, Director of the Montreal Protocol Branch at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

“There has been funding for the phase-out of CFCs. Now there is funding for the phase-out of HCFCs. But we can be pretty sure that there won't be money left for a third round of funding to finance the phase-out of HFCs that unfortunately have replaced the HCFCs in developed countries. So it is crucial to help developing countries to opt for a sustainable solution right away, namely natural refrigerants”, said one of the conference participants, Professor Ciconkov at the Ss. Cyril and Methodious University in Macedonia.

With climate change on our doorstep, it becomes urgent to act on the important carbon emissions source that is the heating and cooling sector. “Our children will ask us: Why didn't you do anything against HFCs, while you knew how damaging they were?” said MEP Satu Hassi in her dinner speech, again demonstrating the political support for a mitigation of this potent greenhouse gas.

The great merit of ATMOsphere 2010 was to offer a stage for the industry to display the available technology using natural refrigerants that have practically no environmental impact, and for the policy side to concretely tell the industry what they need from the companies in order to actually help them bring natural refrigerants faster to market.

“As it seems, both sides want to see it happen, so we just need to carry on the momentum”, says Marc Chasserot, chairman of ATMOsphere 2010.

This vision was backed up by Philippe Delpech, President of Carrier Commercial Refrigeration, one of the global market leaders: “CO2 technology is more than emerging, it is well established by now.”  

And he continued: “At the end of the day, the battle is won. What you can do, is speed up the process of bringing natural refrigerants to the market.”

About ATMOsphere 2010
ATMOsphere 2010 – an international workshop on natural refrigerants - was held on 27-28 September in Brussels to help answer one simple question: HOW to bring natural refrigerants 'Faster to Market'? 180 participants, 30 moderators and 40 speakers discussed in interactive workshops what policy and industry can do to support the use of CO2, ammonia, and hydrocarbons as refrigerants in developed and developing countries. A summary report with the suggested points of action will be drafted and available at

For further information please contact: 

Marc Chasserot, Managing Director shecco & Chairman ATMOsphere 2010
+32 475 97 2006

Christianna Papazahariou, Head of Government Affairs, shecco
+32 484 138 069