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CO2 in Europe's supermarkets - Carrier's day-to-day businessPresentation | published on 15 October 2013
According to Lothar Serwas' presentation CO2 refrigeration for supermarkets has gradually become the market standard in the European food retail sector. Across Europe Ca... more
natural refrigerants market trends in europe and beyondPresentation | published on 15 October 2013Nina Masson presents the changing industry environment and the latest market trends for natural refrigerants in Europe. In terms of the market potential of natural refrigerant solutions in Europe, Masson predicts that carbon di... more
shecco publications - upcoming GUIDEs and GUIDE+Presentation | published on 15 October 2013shecco’s Nina Masson presents shecco’s GUIDE to Natural Refrigerants series, which includes several new and upcoming publications such as: the “UNIDO GUIDE 2013 – Natural Solutions for Developing Countri... more
How retailers across Europe are creating a 'double win' for the climatePresentation | published on 15 October 2013In this presentation, Fionnuala Walravens of the EIA gives an overview of the 5th Chilling Facts Report, a document which quantifies the impact HFCs have on the climate. Tweny-one retailers and 15 member states where... more
EU F-Gas debatePresentation | published on 15 October 2013Sylvain Gillaux from Sanden Europe began his presentation by pointing out that, while most of the company’s revenue is related to HFC products, it is able to provide natural refrigerant solutions today and has a clear str... more
EU F-Gas debatePresentation | published on 15 October 2013According to the EIA, HFC bans with concrete timelines in each sector are the only measures that send a clear signal to the industry. On the other hand, Perry stressed that a general phase-down without bans will lock-in unneces... more
EU F-Gas debatePresentation | published on 15 October 2013In her presentation, Andrea Voigt representing the European Partnership for Energy and the Envitonment (EPEE) noted that a phase-down approach in the F-Gas Regulation is believed to deliver the necessary emissions reduction. In... more
Proposed EU Regulation on F-GasesPresentation | published on 15 October 2013The initial objectives and the main elements of the EU F-Gas Regulation are introduced by Bente Tranholm-Schwarz from the European Commission. During the trialogue negotiations among all EU institutions, the most important tas... more
F-Gas: French implementation and expectationsPresentation | published on 15 October 2013Samuel Just, Policy Advisor of the French Ministry of the Environment, presents the French position on the EU F-Gas Regulation. In his presentation, Just addresses France's main concerns, which include the certification requir... more
ATMOsphere Methodology & Practical informationPresentation | published on 15 October 2013The presentation gives a short overview of shecco's activities as market development specialist helping companies worldwide to bring their climate friendly solutions faster to market. Thanks to 4 industry platforms (more