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Promoting low-GWP Refrigerants for Air-Conditioning Sectors in High-Ambient Temperature CountriesPresentation | published on 3 June 2013The UNEP/UNIDO presentation outlines a project aiming to find and promote environmentally sound solutions, applicable for the air-conditioning sector in the Gulf countries, in order to meet the HCFC phase out and reduction targ... more
Emerging Countries in Natural Refrigerants with a Focus on South AfricaPresentation | published on 3 June 2013This presentation provides an overview of the early development of alternative natural solutions in South America and South Africa, an encouraging sign for local industry to embrace natural alternatives. The South American case... more
Natural Refrigerants - U.S. ConsiderationsPresentation | published on 3 June 2013This presentation demonstrates the growing interest in and viability of natural refrigerants in markets other than Europe, namely North America. The cases discussed include supermarkets located in warmer climates that use only ... more
Safe and Responsible Usage of Natural RefrigerantsPresentation | published on 3 June 2013Danfoss points out the upcoming challenges decision makers face due to the phase out of HCFC’s. The parameters to be observed to ensure a sustainable choice of natural refrigerants are discussed and concrete examples of n... more
Road map of HFC Phase-outPresentation | published on 3 June 2013  more
Technology and Application of Absorption ChillersPresentation | published on 3 June 2013  more
Simulation technologies for natural refrigerant use systemPresentation | published on 3 June 2013  more
CO2 Commercial Refrigeration Case in BrazilPresentation | published on 3 June 2013  more
Barriers and Ways to Develop R290 RACPresentation | published on 3 June 2013  more
Natural Refrigerants for commercial freezersPresentation | published on 3 June 2013  more