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Natural Refrigerant market trends in EuropePresentation | published on 7 November 2012shecco’s Head of Market Research Nina Masson compared data on the adoption potential for natural refrigerants in Europe and North America based on industry-wide surveys conducted in 2011 and 2012, the results of which hav... more
Market trends & developments for CO2 in commercial refrigeration in EuropePresentation | published on 7 November 2012As presented by Lothar Serwas from Carrier in the Market overview session, the third generation of CO2 systems are currently evaluated with respect to efficiency, safety, reliability, environmental impact and modular... more
Market Overview: Commercial / retail refrigerationPresentation | published on 7 November 2012
Market OverviewPresentation | published on 7 November 2012Jan Boone of Mayekawa (MYCOM) discusses market trends for natural refrigerants in Europe by examining specific field cases in which ammonia heat pumps were installed in different industrial heat plants in Norway. He demonstrate... more
CO2 Compressors for mobile air conditioning and light commercial refrigerationPresentation | published on 6 November 2012A presentation by Jan Hinrichs from Ixetic introducing a heat pump system using CO2 for thermal management in battery electric vehicles and for passenger air-conditioning brought a lively discussion among participant... more
100 kW R744 Compressor for commercial refrigerationPresentation | published on 6 November 2012High efficient compressor is an important element to move R744 application line further south. Christian Schmälzle from Obrist Engineering presented a prototype 100kWel R744 piston compressor for commercial refrigeration a... more
Demonstrating technology cooperation worldwide: Examples of green cooling in air-conditioning and refrigeratioPresentation | published on 6 November 2012Marion Geiss from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) gave a presentation highlighting the need for innovation and exchange, the different forms of technology cooperation, and project examples... more
Natural Refrigerants in different industrial heat pump plants in NorwayPresentation | published on 6 November 2012Two sets of MYCOM NH3 over-compression heat pump screw compressors were installed to supply additional 2400kW of 52°C hot water. The output temperature was achieved by combination of condensing temperature 57°... more
Efficient sustainable container reefer applications using CO2Presentation | published on 6 November 2012J Michael Griffin from Carrier presented results from extensive sea trials of refrigerated reefer containers for the transport of perishable and frozen cargo. Based on new CO2 technology with optimised efficienc... more
Transport refrigeration system using CO2Presentation | published on 6 November 2012A new technology trend in the transport refrigeration sector brought to the ATMOsphere conference by Bart W. Ezendam from Thermo King is the open cycle CO2 refrigeration. Liquid CO2 obtained as a by-produc... more