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Stellar presents The advantage of packaged equipmentPresentation | published on 26 June 2015  more
Policy trends for natural refrigerants in Europe, Japan and ChinaPresentation | published on 26 June 2015Deputy Manager Market Development at shecco, Klara Skacanova, gave an overview of the different regulatory and market drivers for natural refrigerants across Europe, Japan and China. Skacanova outlined how Europe’s aggres... more
Refrigerants and UL standardsPresentation | published on 26 June 2015Randall Haseman, from Underwriters Laboratories, examined the history of Underwriters Laboratories as well as the first meeting of the Flammable Refrigerant Joint Task Group, which culminated in the issue of the "Recommend... more
California Air Resources Board - Regulation of high-GWP refrigerantsPresentation | published on 26 June 2015Glenn Gallagher, from the California Air Resources Board, discussed the curtailment of high-GWP refrigerants and how this will help achieve the State’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) to 1990 levels by 2020... more
DOE's Building Technologies Office: refrigerant R&DPresentation | published on 26 June 2015The DOE’s Antonio Bouza examined the program goals for HVAC, water heating, and appliance R&D such as BTO’s goals to achieve 50% energy savings in buildings and the acceleration of the development of new technol... more
EPA regulatory updatePresentation | published on 26 June 2015Gerald Wozniak of the EPA’s Stratospheric Protection Division, explained how, if left unchecked, the U.S.’s carbon emissions could rise to around 20% of global figures by 2050. As a manager of the EPA’s Signif... more
Exclusive sneak peak at the GUIDE North America 2015Presentation | published on 26 June 2015Nina Masson, Deputy Managing Director of shecco gave a sneak peak of the 'GUIDE to Natural Refrigerants in North America - State of the Industry', an soon-to-be released report that evaluates the dynamic market developments rel... more
Editor of Accelerate America, will debut the Accelerate America Awards that recognize individuals that are leading the transition to natural refrigerant based technologiesPresentation | published on 26 June 2015Michael Garry, Editor of Accelerate America, provided a brief overview of the magazine and announced the Accelerate America Awards, which will recognise end users and individuals for their leadership in the transition to natura... more
First integrations of industrialized magnetic cooling devices into refrigerated cabinetsPresentation | published on 25 June 2015Vincent Delecourt, from Cooltech Applications, examined magnetic cooling as a revolutionary technology and its use in industrialised devices, first integrated into refrigerated cabinets by Cooltech. To begin using magnetic cool... more