Side event at the OEWG33 Bangkok

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ATMOsphere Bangkok is an official side event to the OEWG33 Bangkok. Join us this Friday, June 28th from 13:00 to 15:00 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.

Title and Focus: "Natural Refrigerant Solutions - policy drivers and examples"
Time and Date: 13:00 - 15:00, Friday, 28 June
Location: United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok

Announcing the following keynote speakers:
  • Sidi Menad Si Ahmed, UNIDO, Highlights from the UNIDO ATMOsphere Technology Summit
  • Marc Chasserot, shecco, Natural Refrigerant market trends for developing countries and beyond
  • Klara Skacanova, shecco, EU F-Gas update
  • Industry representative: tbc
  • Brent Hoare, Green Cooling Association / Australian Refrigeration Association, Updates and examples from Down Under
  • Q&A

ATMOsphere Bangkok 2013: The ATMOsphere side event to the 33rd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG33).

Natural Refrigerant Solutions - Policy drivers and examples from around the globe: This ATMOsphere panel discussion gives an industry and policy point of view on natural refrigerants. Market trends, real life examples and policy updates for technology using CO2, NH3, hydrocarbons, air or water will be the main topics covered. The side event is targeted towards climate negotiators and industry representatives who are looking for technologically viable, safe and efficient alternatives to chemical refrigerants that have to be phased out in the near future.

About OEWG 33: From 24-28 June, 2013, over 400 key policy representatives from approximately 200 countries and various UN agencies, as well as interested industry and non-governmental representatives, are meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. As preparation for the 25th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP25) in Bangkok (October 2013), they will discuss alternatives to Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), HCFCs and HFCs.