ATMOsphere America 2015: Coke convinced that CO2 is the 'right bet'

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Coca-Cola, the world’s largest beverage company, has a long history of using carbon dioxide as the fizz in its soft drinks. Now CO2 is also Coke’s refrigerant of choice in its beverage coolers, vending machines and fountain equipment. At ATMOsphere America 2015 Coke presented on a light-commercial refrigeration panel on their journey to achieve HFC-free status for all new cooling equipment. On the same panel, four of Coke’s CO2 equipment suppliers described their progress with CO2 technology.

“We are reaching an inflection point in our HFC-free global system adoption,” said Antoine Azar, global program director for the Coca-Cola Company and chair of Refrigerants, Naturally!, a consortium of packaged goods companies advocating the replacement of HFC refrigerants. “We are at the phase where (CO2) is the technology that fits our portfolio of equipment.”

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