ATMOsphere America 2015 Summary Report

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Another ATMOsphere America conference has come and gone, and we are very happy to say that this has been our biggest conference organised so far, featuring over 300 participants, 37 sponsors, 65+ speakers, 80+ presentations and 140+ organisations! 

Interested in finding out more about the main highlights, discussions and conclusions at the event? Download the report for free at

The report includes the major discussion topics and key findings from the fourth annual ATMOsphere America conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Covering the latest natural refrigerant technology innovations, market trends and regulatory issues in North America, the report serves as a comprehensive resource for HVAC&R industry professionals.

Presentations and pictures

View ATMOsphere America 2015 presentations
View ATMOsphere America 2015 pictures

Media coverage

Check out the following articles that have been published about ATMOsphere America 2015:

ATMOsphere America 2015 article series - natural refrigerants breathing new life into HVAC&R industry

Hydrocarbons more applicable than ever in North America

ATMOsphere America 2015: Training and educating HVAC professionals in light of regulatory changes

Starbucks, McDonald’s and Red Bull say hydrocarbons set to displace HFCs in food service

ATMOsphere America 2015: Market trends show that a portfolio of solutions is becoming the norm for a growing industry

Industry sees huge potential for low-charge NH3 systems in the U.S.

Changing the face of industrial refrigeration in North America

ATMOsphere America 2015: Training and educating HVAC professionals in light of regulatory changes

Accelerate America to launch industry awards at ATMOsphere America 2016!

Premiering at ATMOsphere America 2016, Accelerate America will present industry awards for the most progressive individuals and end users involved in the North American HVAC&R market.

Start brainstorming and be sure to submit your preferred candidate! Nominations are welcome from January - April 2016. More information about how to nominate and the selection process can be found here.

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