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Server room heat recovery and free cooling with CO2 and propanePresentation | published on 11 October 2011Free cooling is a possible solution when the temperature for the cooling load is above the outdoor temperature. To increase efficiency on a yearly basis, the objective is to raise the temperature level at which free cooling can... more
Efficient and sustainable container refrigeration application using CO2Presentation | published on 11 October 2011Carrier has successfully developed and trialed a CO2 refrigerant container unit. The challenge for the transport refrigeration industry is to create a system that meets the energy consumption levels of today’s ... more
Marks and Spencer PLAN A and experiences with alternative refrigerantsPresentation | published on 11 October 2011M&S adopted the Plan A strategy in 2007 setting out sustainability commitments. From 100 commitments Plan A was extended to include 180, to be achieved by 2015. Every year M&S publishes the document “How We Do Bus... more
Integration of Natural Refrigerants in Coop NorwayPresentation | published on 11 October 2011Today Coop Norway has 125 local cooperatives with around 1000 stores, representing 24% of the market share. The Coop Value Compass reflects distinctiveness and core values. Coop has almost 60 eco-labelled stores and Coop Extra ... more
The rollout and experience of natural refrigerants based technology at CarrefourPresentation | published on 11 October 2011Refrigeration is a key concern for Carrefour and the company Executive Committee recognises the increasing contribution to total GHG emissions of HFCs and HCFCs. To take action on this issue Carrefour will begin phasing out the... more
CO2 as standard refrigerant: Obstacles and lessons learnt from the MIGROS experiencePresentation | published on 11 October 2011Migros group is composed of more than 40 companies and cooperatives, with over 600 supermarkets across Switzerland. The group’s refrigeration systems cause and release significant amounts of GHGs. Migros has decided to re... more
Taxation and use bans as tools for reducing the use of HFCs and other high GWP gasesPresentation | published on 11 October 2011Sørensen presents trends in uses and emissions of f-gases in Denmark before and after the introduction of use bans and taxes. He illustrates the effectiveness of different tools on reducing f-gases emissions, including s... more
Policy tools for assessing and diminishing emissions of F-gases from equipmentPresentation | published on 11 October 2011Kozakiewicz discusses the different tools available to policy makers for curbing emissions of f-gases from equipment, including direct tools (eg bans on most emissive uses, penalties for intentional venting etc) and indirect to... more
The Belgian experience, implementation and political complexityPresentation | published on 11 October 2011The implementation of the F-Gas Regulation in Belgium has been complex due to the regulation’s lack of clarity in defining certain responsibilities, which is further exacerbated by the complex structure of Belgium, a coun... more
The new F-Gas regulationPresentation | published on 11 October 2011The presentation by Kuijpers opened “Policy session 1: The New F-Gas Regulation” by setting the scene and discussing the EU’s f-gas policies within the wider international policy context of the UNFCCC climate ... more