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Natural Refrigerant in Cold Drink EquipmentPresentation | published on 13 June 2012Steven Cousins presents an overview of Coca-Cola’s commitment to purchasing only HFC free equipment by 2015. Coca-Cola expects to have placed 650,000 HFC-free natural refrigerant machines by the end of the year and has se... more
Handling HC Refrigerants and Technician SafetyPresentation | published on 13 June 2012Murphy of RSES, a leading provider of training and education for professional HVACR technicians and contractors in the US, first points out the areas in which most HVAC&R technicians currently have an inadequate understandi... more
UL Standards - Update on Natural RefrigerantsPresentation | published on 13 June 2012Haseman provides an update on UL standards for natural refrigerants, including carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons. In addition to household refrigerators, UL has developed requirements for the use of flammable refrigerants in comm... more
US DOE conversation standards and test procedures regarding refrigeration products and equipmentPresentation | published on 13 June 2012Armstrong describes the benefits of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Appliance Standards Program that currently covers products responsible for 79% of residential building energy consumption, 46% of commercial building... more
SNAP: Latest Developments on Alternatives; and Reducing EmissionsPresentation | published on 13 June 2012Newberg provides an update on the latest developments with the US EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program. The programme currently has 15 to 20 active reviews, with the EPA looking at a number of refriger... more
Montreal Protocol update and Natural RefrigerantsPresentation | published on 13 June 2012Thompson discusses the international drivers for HFC alternatives including natural refrigerants. He provides an update on the progress with the phase out HCFCs, the rising HFC emissions and the HC phase-down North American ame... more
Latest Ultra Low Charge Ammonia Shell and Tube EvaporatorPresentation | published on 12 June 2012Zahid Ayub's presentation shows results from a low charge ammonia evaporator that has been developed to cool process fluid on the tube side. He explains how ammonia is expanded on the shell side. The evaporator incorporates mul... more
Commercial and Industrial Hot Water from Transcritical CO2 Heat PumpsPresentation | published on 12 June 2012In his presentation, Merle Rocke shows together with Darin Massner, from Country Maid, a Midwestern commercial bakery, how they are implementing a transcritical CO2 heat pump system to significantly reduce its energy... more
Safe Ammonia System Design in Large ApplicationsPresentation | published on 12 June 2012This presentation is about a selected number of installations using different natural refrigerant solutions in different applications in the US including an ice cream factory that has been equipped by JCI. It uses 80 tons of am... more
Industrial Ammonia Heat Pumps in Food ProcessingPresentation | published on 12 June 2012Sam Gladis presents one of Emerson's projects where food processor Krafts Food has installed an industrial ammonia heat pump at one of its US food processing facilities as a sustainable alternative to the use of fossil fuels fo... more