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Welcome & Introduction

Marc Chasserot - Welcome & introduction Day 1

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published on 3 February 2015

Marc Chasserot, Chairman of ATMOsphere and Managing Director of shecco, set the scene for the conference with a run-through of the programme while maintaining focus on the overall goal: the mainstreaming of natural refrigerants and how best to achieve this.
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Policy Session

Kazuhiro Takahashi - The Montreal Protocol discussion on climate friendly technologies

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published on 3 February 2015

Kazuhiro Takahashi from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasised Japan’s efforts to support developing countries phase out ozone depleting substances through bilateral cooperation. Takahashi pointed out that discussions on HFC amendment are expected to intensify in the coming months with the Open Ended Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and the HFC management workshop in April.
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Masafumi Oki - New policy measures for reducing F-gas emissions in Japan

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published on 3 February 2015

Masafumi Oki from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry discussed the upcoming measures in Japan addressing increased f-gas emissions. Taking effect in April 2015, the revised F-Gas law sets GWP targets for sectors with the highest levels of emissions. In order to promote the products with natural refrigerants, the ministry is working on a labeling scheme.
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Motoyuki Kumakura - Scheme for prevalence of natural refrigerants equipment

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published on 3 February 2015

Motoyuki Kamakura, from the Ministry of Environment (MOE), argued that support by means of financial grants are vital in closing the gap between conventional technology and energy efficient natural refrigerant-based equipment. As an example, METI’s funding scheme of 280 million JPY (€2.1 million) for 2015 supports R&D activities for development of high-efficiency HFC-free air conditioning systems, freezing and refrigeration equipment.
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Satoshi Narisawa - Subsidy program for energy efficient showcases using natural refrigerants

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published on 3 February 2015

Satoshi Narisawa from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government highlighted that activities to address f-gas emissions were already initiated in 2001. He also emphasised that Tokyo holds the largest market for natural refrigerants in Japan and supports the Japanese government in developing a labeling scheme for natural refrigerants.
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Tetsuji Okada - JRAIA basic policy

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published on 3 February 2015

Tetsuji Okada from the Japan Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Industry Association explained that there are three pillars on which the organisation focuses; these include equipment energy savings, direct emission control of refrigerants and the acceleration of the shift to new alternative refrigerants. Okada also discussed initiated activities that have involved training and natural refrigerant promotion seminars but emphasised that these need to increase.
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Market Trends