NATURAL REFRIGERANT IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYPresentation | published on 20 November 2018 Laurent Descourtieux from Fives Filling & Sealing presented the current state of play in mobile air-conditioning around the world and how R744 could take up in the near ... more
SuperSmartPresentation | published on 20 November 2018 Results of the training activities done for the SuperSmart project. more
Danfoss training (CO2 specific)Presentation | published on 20 November 2018 Danfoss present their numerous training activities and online materials. more
CO2 Training CenterPresentation | published on 20 November 2018 Recently-launched training academy for CO2 in Padua (Italy). more
sheccoBase Global Policy Update Presentation | published on 20 November 2018 Marie Battesti from shecco provided an overview of policy trends favouring the uptake of natural refrigerants around the world. more
The impact of standards on natural refrigerantsPresentation | published on 20 November 2018 Rita Tedesco from ECOS urged conference participants to get involved in the standardisation process because they can make a difference in shaping regulations governing hydrocarbons. more
PRIORITIES ON REFRIGERANTSPresentation | published on 20 November 2018 Davide Sabbadin from Legambiente pointed out the huge competitive advantage that Italian companies already have as leading manufacturers of natural refrigerant-based technologies and ... more