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El futuro de los refrigerantes naturales en el sector retail en el Congreso ATMOsphere EuropeNews | 22 March 2016ATMOsphere Europe, congreso sobre refrigerantes naturales, se prepara para su séptima edición los días 19 y 20 de abril en Barcelona y no cabe duda que el escenario del frio y la refrigeración ha cambiado considerablemente desde la primera conferencia en Bruselas en 2009. more
SECOND ROUND OF CASE STUDY SELECTIONS FOR ATMOSPHERE EUROPE 2016News | 4 March 2016The ATMOsphere Review Board has made its second round of selections for case studies to be presented at ATMOsphere Europe 2016, which will take place on 19 & 20 April in Barcelona, Spain. A third round of case study selections will be announced in the coming days. more
ATMOsphere Europe 2016: OFFERTA per i lettori di ZeroSottoZeroNews | 2 March 2016Si avvicina la data dell’incontro europeo sulla refrigerazione naturale. ATMOsphere Europe proporrà anche in questa sua settima edizione una discussione e un confronto sugli aspetti più attuali per questo settore che si sta evolvendo con una velocità atipica per il mondo della refrigerazione. more
First round of case study selections for ATMOsphere Europe 2016News | 26 February 2016The ATMOsphere Review Board has made its first round of selections for case studies to be presented at ATMOsphere Europe 2016, which will take place on 19 & 20 April in Barcelona, Spain. A second round of case study selections will be announced in the coming days. more
ATMOSPHERE ASIA 2016 : LE BILANNews | 25 February 2016ASIE – La dernière édition d’ATMOsphere Asia s’est clôturée le 10 février à Tokyo. Nous vous proposons de dresser le bilan de cette édition. more
EPTA, ANCORA UNA VOLTA GOLD SPONSOR DI ATMOSPHERE EUROPENews | 22 February 2016Epta parteciperà in qualità di Gold Sponsor a ATMOsphere Europe 2016, manifestazione di riferimento per tutti gli operatori del segmento HVAC&R (Heat Ventilation Air conditioning Cooling & Refrigeration), in programma il 19 e 20 Aprile 2016. Con oltre 300 stakeholder attesi, la due giorni dedicata al mondo dei refrigeranti naturali, giunta al settimo appuntamento, si configura come l’edizione più seguita di sempre. more
NATURAL REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS ON THE RISENews | 22 February 2016ASIA – The latest edition of ATMOsphere Asia has shown that natural refrigerant systems are proliferating in Asian countries, offering environmentally friendly solutions while helping to reduce operating costs in a wide range of areas, from cold storage or ice rinks to ground freezing for construction work. more
ATMOsphere Europe 2016News | 18 February 2016Focusing on the latest trends and achievements in the field of natural refrigerant technologies, ATMOsphere Europe 2016 will explore untapped business opportunities and reveal future perspectives in the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration industry. more
SuperSmart voor snelle implementatie efficiënte koeloplossingenNews | 16 February 2016De EU financiert een nieuw project, SuperSmart, dat tijdens ATMOsphere 2016 wordt ingevoerd. SuperSmart streeft naar doorslaggevende voordelen voor het milieu door middel van een snelle implementatie van efficiënte verwarmings- en koeloplossingen. more
ATMOsphere Europe 2016, conferencia sobre refrigerantes naturales, elige Barcelona como nuevo destinoNews | 12 February 2016La conferencia sobre refrigerantes naturales ATMOsphere Europe se celebrará los próximos 19 y 20 de abril en Barcelona. Con una tendencia clara hacia los climas más cálidos y las oportunidades de negocio en nuevos mercados, es natural que este evento anual haya optado por España como siguiente destino. more