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Paul Delaney - Emerging technologies - alternative refrigerants

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published on 19 June 2014

Paul Delaney provides an overview of SCE (Southern California Edison), one of the US’s largest electric utilities. Delaney shares prior experiences and projects, analyses benefits, and discuss future trends relating to natural refrigerants.
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Jack M. Callahan - Bonneville Power Administration and Pacific Northwest Perspectives on energy efficiency and natural refrigerants

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published on 19 June 2014

Jack Callahan from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), part of the U.S. Department of Energy, analyses the role of heat pumps in the Pacific Northwest and their benefits, as well as presenting a “BPA Wish List” regarding equipment performance and industry practices. Callahan also shares his experience on ductless heat pump applications, multi-family DHW (domestic hot water) heat pumps, HPWH (heat pump water heater) Demand Response Pilots, and more.
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Keith Forsman - Heat Pumps and Refrigeration: A Utility Perspective

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published on 19 June 2014

Keith Forsman from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), a company providing safe, reliable, cost-effective, and clean energy to the 15 million residents of Northern and Central California. In his presentation, Forsman focuses on heat pumps as efficiency measures and emphasises PG&E’s aim to save energy rather than create more. To this end, the PG&E has a variety of programs that support energy efficiency covering: energy analysis tools and rate options, emerging technology, new construction, retrofits, retro commissioning, codes and standards, and workforce education and training.
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End user panel

Paige Dunn - Red Bull & HC Refrigerants

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published on 19 June 2014

In this presentation Paige Dunn, CSR Sustainability Project Lead for Red Bull North America, looks at the company’s strategy of 100% procurement of hydrocarbon refrigerant technology in its global fleet of plug-in coolers. A total of 457,000 out of 985,000 units worldwide already use hydrocarbons. In 2013, Red Bull’s ECO Cooler using R600a received approval by the US EPA. Dunn highlights the company’s plans to roll-out these coolers in North America in the near future.
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Steven Cousins - Transition to HFC-free refrigeration

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published on 19 June 2014

In his presentation, Steven Cousins, Equipment Quality Manager for The Coca-Cola Company, highlights the successful employment of 1.1 million CO2 and HC coolers worldwide accounting for approximately 8% of the entire fleet. Having set the ambitious goal of phasing-out HFC equipment in 2009, Coca-Cola has since certified 162 vending machine models, 38 of these meant for high temperature environments. As of June 2014, 12,354 CO2 cabinets have been placed in North America.
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Jeffrey Hogue - McDonalds HFC-free journey

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published on 19 June 2014

In this presentation, Jeffery Hogue, Senior Director of Global Sustainability for McDonald’s Corporation, discusses the company’s first 100% natural refrigerant restaurant in Denmark and the drivers behind the conversion from f-gasses. Energy efficiency, accounting for 20% of McDonald’s carbon footprint, is the main reason why the company has implemented a total of 700,000 units of natural refrigerant equipment (hydrocarbons and CO2) globally. Hogue also emphasises the need for the entire supply-chain to work together to drive market innovation and lower-cost solutions.
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Parallel Technology CS: Heat Pumps Session

Marc Portnoff - Natural refrigerant enhanced geothermal heating & cooling solutions

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published on 19 June 2014

The use of R744 expands the opportunity for geothermal heat pumps according to the presentation by Marc Portnoff, Thar Geothermal, LLC at ATMOsphere America 2014 R744 allows for a direct exchange design. By and large the R744 direct exchange geothermal heat pump is 30% more efficient than a standard ground source geothermal system, which tends to be 40-60% more efficient than an air side heat pump.
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Rolf Christensen - Design of heat exchangers for heat recovery in transcritical CO2 systems

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published on 19 June 2014

Rolf Christensen from Alfa Laval introduces his presentation with a general overview of Alfa Laval’s activities in the refrigeration sector and continues by comparing traditional separator designs with the Alfa Lava’s U-Turn separator while highlighting the technical and operational advantages of the latter. He goes on to present data from Alfa Laval’s installations of U-Turn separators in North America and Europe in terms of resulting savings in energy consumption and refrigerant charge requirements.
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