
Parallel Break-Out Sessions Day 1 - Part 1
Food Retail Panel

Michael Garry - Progress and Prospects for Natural Refrigerants

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published on 25 June 2015

Michael Garry, from shecco, explored the progress and prospects for natural refrigerants by presenting the various CO2 and cascade/secondary CO2 installations for 2015 in the United States and Canada. He noted the natural refrigerant food retailers in both as well in order to demonstrate future views that the natural refrigeration industry has to offer.

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Harrison Horning - Delhaize America's experiences with natural refrigerants

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published on 25 June 2015

In a presentation by Harrison Horning, Director of Equipment Purchasing, Maintenance & Energy for Delhaize America / Hannaford, a summary of the retailer’s experience with CO2 since 2008 was outlined. The company started with several CO2 hybrid stores and in 2013 moved to a transcritical CO2 model in Turner, Maine. Two other transcritical pilot stores are under construction in Berwick, Maine and Southport, North Carolina. 
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Gary Cooper - Is 290 the end game -or- Just a proof of concept?

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published on 25 June 2015

A 34,000 sq.ft. (10,363 m2) Lowe’s Market aimed to test R290 (propane) in terms of performance, safety, serviceability and total cost of installation. Gary Cooper, Director of Refrigeration at Lowe’s, described the glycol loop design specifically implemented to evaluate propane (170 ounces total charge (4.82 kg), 88 freezer doors, 35 condensing units). Among the main advantages of the system were energy reductions beyond expectations, extended compressor life and straight-forward installation; whereas, the cons included fixed capacity due to the design of the system and higher fixture costs.
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Tristam Coffin - Whole Foods Market's world of natural refrigerants

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published on 25 June 2015

Tristam Coffin, Sustainable Facilities Coordinator at Whole Foods, outlined the company’s commitment to natural refrigeration by describing their 14 natural refrigerant stores and relative designs; with San Jose, California (transcritical CO2) located the furthest south. Whole Foods holds the title for the first synthetic refrigerant-free supermarket in the U.S. (New York), in addition to three GreenChill Platinum Certifications, Coffin highlighted that prices of CO2 systems were quickly dropping as well as the increasing need for industry training for installation and maintenance.
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