
Andrés Martínez-Negrete - Success in CO2 cooler development

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published on 26 June 2015

Andrés Martinez Negrete of Imbera Cooling discussed misconceptions regarding the use of natural refrigerants and what the company has done to dispel these through creation and optimisation of highly efficient, low-noise CO2 solutions for light commercial applications.
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Industrial Refrigeration Case Studies

Benoit Rodier - New development in natural refrigerant equipment

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published on 26 June 2015

Benoit Rodier, CIMCO Refrigeration, explained the company’s technology evolution and how they had partnered with Mayekawa USA (MYCOM) to introduce the NewTon product to the North American market. The compressor includes an NH3/CO2 brine solution and is set to alleviate problems pertaining to large NH3 plants in the U.S., where operators and contractors to install and maintain the systems can be difficult to find. Many NewTon systems have been installed in Japan, where the phase out of R22 has been accelerated; something Rodier would like to see in the U.S. 
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Joe Sanchez - An industrommercial CO2 system

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published on 26 June 2015

Sanchez explained the term ‘industrommercial’ in the sense that both industries are overlapping more and more. Sanchez compared commercial (supermarket) and industrial (cold storage/blast freezing) in terms of traditional load sizes – commercial 10-150 tons, industrial 50-1000 – piping (steel vs copper); and refrigerant – commercial H(C)FCs, industrial ammonia. Sanchez argued that CO2 will play a big role in closing the gap and providing another natural refrigerant option for the industrial sector because unlike ammonia, CO2 does not require open drive compressors.
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Terry L. Chapp, Jeremy Olberding - Ammonia DX low charge system proves sustainability

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published on 26 June 2015

In their joint presentation, Terry Chapp of Danfoss and Jeremy Olberding of Colmac Coil explained the factors behind the resurgence of ammonia DX systems including its low-GWP/ zero ODP, lower power consumption and operating costs. The pair cited a case study at a 403,000 sq ft. (37440 m2) Joliet Cold Storage in Illinois, which has a total refrigeration load of 1007 TR. Advanced DX ammonia systems allow industrial refrigeration systems charges as large as 1,800 TR with a system charge of under 10,000 lbs (4536 kg), offering a value-added alternative to HFC commercial systems.

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Natural Refrigerants Label Workshop (Day II)
Final remarks

Marc Chasserot - ATMOsphere America 2015 Summary Report

PDF document
published on 26 June 2015

The ATMOsphere America 2015 summary report addresses the impacts of recent regulatory and changes; how to manage training and service infrastructure; real-life efficiencies of CO2 transcritical technologies operating in warm ambient climates; the future of industrial refrigeration, including a narrowing ‘application gap’ between commercial and industrial refrigeration; utility incentives for energy efficient technologies such as natural refrigerant based heat pumps; and even new applications in which natural refrigerants are taking hold, providing a comprehensive view at the principal topics facing the industry.
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