
Ken Welter - The path to transcritical - TC or not TC: that is the question

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published on 25 June 2015

Kenneth Welter, Senior Manager of Engineering at Baltic Trail Engineering, presented on a trial CO2 transcritical installation at Giant Grocery Store located in Springfield, Virginia. Although too early to comment on energy performance, Welter observed the initial benefits such as easier piping installation compared to HFC loop piping, faster and less expensive discharge gas piping and better quality compressor rack construction. Baltic Trail Engineering works with supermarkets to provide innovative refrigeration system solutions, as well as refrigeration and HVAC service management.
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Training Panel

Joe Sanchez - Bitzer natural refrigerants training programs

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published on 25 June 2015

At ATMOsphere America 2015, Bitzer explained its global training strategy designed to accomodate a wide variety of personnel from designers/engineers and technicians to sales staff and end users. Bitzer’s hands-on training techniques are offered in Germany, Brazil, Australia and the U.S. and are geared towards classes of 20, where the classroom is trained to use the company’s CO2 and ammonia compressors.
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Arthur Miller - Hydrocarbon refrigerant training

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published on 25 June 2015

RSES’s training program is designed to equip manufacturers, service technicians and installers in proper working practices with flammable hydrocarbon refrigerants such as propane and isobutane, as well as HFCs and HFOs. In his presentation, Arthur Miller outlined how the world’s leading education, training and certification association RSES developed its hydrocarbon training program in 2012 and continues to update it with the latest EPA SNAP regulations in the U.S..
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James Kalish - College-Company-Community outreach services for a better environment

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published on 25 June 2015

Jim Kalish outlined the college’s state-of-the-art CO2 refrigeration curriculum which functions to inform and train refrigeration professionals in the advantages of CO2 systems and controls. Stark State has over 15,000 students, 520 of which are directly involved in HVAC&R streams of education. The college takes a neutral stance so as not to align itself with any particular OEM while teaching its SSC HVACR and environmental studies students advanced refrigeration techniques.
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Jim Price - Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association

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published on 25 June 2015

The Association was originally founded in 1910 and reincorporated under the RETA banner in 1963, yet the same mission exists - to enhance professional development of industrial refrigeration operating engineers and technicians. RETA’s Jim Price presented RETA’s traditional training course principles and accompanying study material available, as well its multi-accredited interactive online training courses covering industrial refrigeration and ammonia, emergency, workplace and hazard safety.
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Rusty Walker - Is training really necessary?

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published on 25 June 2015

Trainer for Hillphoenix’s Learning Center since its inception nine years ago, Rusty Walker outlined some of the challenges when conducting contractor training including myths and misconceptions regarding safety, system pressure and transcritical CO2 vs subcritical CO2 systems. Walker also touched on the future outlook for training including online opportunities, Youtube, and trade schools to train the next generation of engineers and technicians. 
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Natural Refrigerants Label Workshop
Parallel Break-Out Sessions Day 1 - Part 2
Commercial Refrigeration Case Studies - Part 1