
State of the Industry Session

Nina Masson - State of the Industry - Introduction

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published on 25 June 2015

Nina Masson, Deputy Managing Director at shecco and moderator of the session, gave insights into natural refrigerant trends in the food service industry and provided a detailed analysis of CO2 transcritical (TC) stores in North America. With 120+ CO2 TC stores in U.S. and Canada today, Masson anticipated the further uptake of natural refrigerants in the coming years on the back of further market and regulatory changes. Emerging market trends such as low charge NH3 systems and more energy efficient equipment were also discussed during her presentation.
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Scott Martin - Advances in Refrigeration Utilizing Natural Refrigerants

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published on 25 June 2015

Scott Martin, Director of Sustainable Technologies for the Refrigeration Systems Division at Hillphoneix, explained the applications in which the company utilises natural refrigerants and presented on how CO2 systems have evolved in the North American market since 2006. In his presentation, Martin pointed out that CO2 booster systems are rapidly spreading as viable technology in the region, with an expected annual growth of 120% year-on-year. To conclude, Martin also discussed the main challenges to overcome in the uptake of these systems, including energy efficiency in warmer climates, regulations and standards and training.
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Quentin Crowe - Building Confidence in Natural Refrigerants

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published on 25 June 2015

Quentin Crowe, product manager at Hussmann, presented the company’s path in developing and providing natural refrigerants-based technology for food retailers since 2012. Crowe also pointed out the areas to make NR options affordable by focusing on the variables such as pressure control, safety, climate, design and technical and aftermarket support. Throughout 2015 Hussmann will continue to align case and coil products to support its CO2 offering and will deliver its first transcritical store later this summer. In September 2014 Hussmann formed andalliance with LMP to work on CO2 systems.
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Marc-André Lesmerises - CO2 is good, not only for supermarkets!

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published on 25 June 2015

Marc-André Lesmerises, President of CARNOT Refrigeration, focused his presentation on CO2 refrigeration systems for commercial, industrial and burgeoning applications such as data centers. CARNOT has also developed a new type of chiller.
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Dustan Atkinson - An industry in transition

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published on 25 June 2015

Dustan Atkinson of Heatcraft presented the company’s projects overview in North & South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, as well as future plans for natural refrigerant technology to meet customer demands. Technician skill level, local regulatory codes, sufficient component suppliers and cost reduction were discussed as the main challenges to the uptake of this technology.
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Mark Tomooka - Trending: #Natural #Efficient #Safe

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published on 25 June 2015

Over 90% of Mayekawa business involves natural refrigerants, providing innovative thermal solutions through the entire cold chain. Mark Tomooka spoke of the latest projects including an installation of a CO2 and low charge test bench at a TN facility and an integrated "hot/cold" plant system design for a customer who had traditionally installed freon systems. Tamooka pointed out education as the key to the successful adoption of natural refrigerant-based technology.
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Joe Sanchez - Changing with the times

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published on 25 June 2015

Founded in 1934, Bitzer designs, manufactures and commercialises refrigerant compressors and pressure vessels with natural refrigerants as well as ammonia compressor packages. In his presentation, Engineering Manager Joe Sanchez presented an overview of the different systems using CO2 compressors and highlighted some of their main projects in commercial and industrial applications in the U.S. While the industry is continually evolving compressor manufacturers' goals remain the same: lower cost, increase efficiency, reliability, availability, and develop a wide range of low-noise products. 

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Andre Patenaude - Responsible refrigerant planning for retail enterprises

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published on 25 June 2015

Andre Patenaude from Emerson Climate Technologies explored the use of CO2 in stores as their chain sizes increases. He noted that even with the enlargement of store numbers, a reduction of CO2 emissions is possible with the use of CO2 booster systems and by improving CO2 booster architecture, resulting in impressive performances in warm ambient regions. Patenaude concluded his presentation by highlighting the key learnings of the retail enterprises when applying responsible refrigerant planning.

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